Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA)
Behavioural intervention therapies are meant to teach the child basic learning skills like developing communication, concentration, paying attention, recognition, pointing, sorting and following instructions. 
Many different behavioural interventions have been developed for children with autism, and they mostly fall under the category of Applied
Behavioural Analysis (ABA). This approach generally involves therapists who work intensely, one-on-one with a child for 20 to 40 hours/week. Children are taught skills in a simple step-by-step manner, such as teaching colors one at a time. The sessions usually begin with formal, structured drills, such as learning to point to a color when its name is given; and then, after some time, there is a shift towards generalizing skills to other situations and environments. ABA can help children with autism learn to talk, to read, to write, to relate to their peers, and to participate fully and productively in their families and communities.